20 Facts about Lunkarya guinea pigs :
The Lunkarya guinea pig is a breed of cavy with a long, curly coat.
The Lunkarya guinea pig originated in Sweden in the 1980s.
The breed is also known as the "Curly Peruvian" or "Swedish Lunkarya."
Lunkarya guinea pigs have a unique coat texture that feels woolly and springy to the touch.
Their long, curly hair can grow up to 15 inches in length.
The breed comes in a variety of colors, including black, chocolate, cream, and white.
Lunkarya guinea pigs have a friendly and sociable nature, making them great pets.
They are active animals and need regular exercise and playtime.
The Lunkarya guinea pig is a relatively new breed and is not yet recognized by all guinea pig associations.
The breed is known for its sturdy and robust constitution.
The Lunkarya guinea pig has a unique appearance and is highly sought after by breeders and pet owners.
Lunkarya guinea pigs require regular grooming to keep their long, curly hair in good condition.
They have a good temperament and are known to be gentle and calm.
Lunkarya guinea pigs are social animals and do well in pairs or groups.
The breed is not recommended for first-time guinea pig owners due to their high-maintenance coat.
Lunkarya guinea pigs are often shown in guinea pig competitions and shows.
They have a docile nature and are easy to handle and train.
Lunkarya guinea pigs are known for their unique personalities and are often described as "fun-loving" and "quirky."
The breed is recognized by the American Cavy Breeders Association (ACBA).
Lunkarya guinea pigs make great pets for anyone who is willing to devote time and effort to their grooming needs.